Saturday, January 3, 2015

Here's Nikolaus Schild Vampire #3

Meet Nikolaus Schild, the eldest of all the vampires in the trilogy. He was once a Merovingian prince during the 6th century AD. After his human death, Nikolaus fled his homeland, roaming Europe, until he heard a violinist perform one evening in the 1600's. Having time on his side, Nikolaus befriended this violinist and studied under him. This master violinist was none other than, Arcangelo Corelli. Centuries later, Nik made his way to Maryland, settled down, and became a sought-after concert violinist. It was in the small, southern county in Maryland that Nikolaus met Kian MacTiernan. In the third book of this trilogy, Nikolaus tells his story. A life of love, loss, and redemption.
For more information on the trilogy or to meet the vampires, follow this link:

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